Sunday, November 11, 2012

Not Over You

Obviously i still can't get enough of holiday! Who can? But no matter what, good times will come to an end and tomorrow will be the first day of me working! Bidding goodbye to undergraduate status and hello to the working environment. Just got some text from my lovely friends asking me to sleep early... Oh no~ Alright, i'm just going to post a short one and then hit the sack ok?

4 months is Alaska broadens my mind and thinking about US culture. Meeting new friends and loving them as part of my family is so heart warming that i will miss them all the time. I really hope one day i will have the chance to be back, visiting all of them and the beautiful state. *cross fingers*

New York, love hate relationship with this extremely busy city. Everything is so fast pace making you feel energetic and tiring at the same time. Haha... would dream about the broadway shows and perfect night view of NYC... not to forget shopping paradise! 

Niagara Falls is a place i always wanted to go! I think i wrote about visiting this place is a must before i die. Haha! Well, true enough. 

The state of California, have everything. Beaches, greens, grand canyon, Disney Land.... a colourful place indeed. Somehow i just love the weather there... sunny bright sky allowing me to style more casually rather than wrapping myself in layers! Sigh... I miss LA. Better work harder and earn enough to have a long trip here soon! Hehe! 

What's next? Oh San Francisco! I am so staying here if i ever get a pr. Lol. Let me dream about living in San Fran for now first can? Just Look at the architecture. Imagine ur house being unique along the street... the people here are most friendly i would say, making us feel very much welcome. Yes, at this moment i'm picturing myself playing with my dog at the open green field with my yacht parked at the back of my house. Dream~ 

Better not miss out the most beautiful city during the night. Las Vegas! Definitely a place to visit if you light blinking lights and wow wow wow hotels. Lol~ And of course, if you would want a chance to double up your cash or lost it all in a night... come here baby. 

Sexy Hawaii. Trust me it is a super awesome breathtaking view when you stroll along this island. Geez! Skimpy bikinis and hot surfers at all corners of the beach is *whistle*. Hahaha! Ok la its not that exaggerating but almost there.  Oh, pardon my belly popping out in the following pictures. =( 

See why i still enjoy scrolling through all my photo albums? Sigh. Thank goodness last week i managed to have a spontaneous trip to Penang. It helps to cure my craving of fun, food and stressless life. 

Okie, time for some rest. I knew we all had a great time and we will for sure have it again in near future. Let's keep working hard for now my loves, all the best! Muaxx. 

The united states of A, i'm so not over you. 

With love, 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Some Nights

Hey guys! I'm finally back. The down side is definitely feeling so rusty to even start a topic. And have to pathetically titled my post with the song playing on my iTunes. =( 

Maybe just a quick check on what am i up to lately. 

1. Looking for a job. 
2. Attending job interviews. 

Oh gosh. That's it. My life is boring right now. I miss the past 5 months, everything i experienced in the United States of A. Even though i'm sulking about it, i know it won't change the fact that i'm back home. Well, don't get me wrong. It's not that i don't like being here. Of course i do, i have my family and friends. The thing is, i need to start a brand new chapter in life. Graduation is a mark, a slap on my face telling me i should start thinking about my career for real. Sigh~ Maybe this feeling will go away once i secured a job! Maybe... Anyway, life is full of challenges! Just gotta hold myself together and be strong! 

Some nights, i wish i was still 18. 

With love, 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Day 65

Sadly to say this is going to be my last weekend off-day because i just got a second job at the airport. I can't imagine having the hectic life but lets pray i can manage it with only maybe 4 hours of sleep daily. Don't even have to think about blogging or catching up my dramas.... Oh gosh! 

Anyway, screw that. I just had one of the best nights here last week. BBQ party at my neighbour's! Thank you Vince and Ruth. You guys are amazing friends / parents to us. Hahaha. BBQ party here is nothing like in Msia. No heat, no sweat. And bonfire is a necessity. 

#1 - Busy preparing 

#2 - BBQ pits 

#3 - Grilling chickens

#4 - Meet Sierra! Super human-friendly. 

#5 - Just love dogs who doesn't bark!! 

#6 - Jalapeño with bacon is the bomb!  

#7 - A variety of seasoning. 

#8 - Eggs wrap

#9 - Sweet n sour pork balls

#10 - Here, they name these "bak choy". Lol~

#11 - Big bad wolf

#12 - Love 

#13 - Best shot! 

Really hope we will do this again before we leave Alaska. I left a month and half here... time flies right? I'm pretty sure i will miss everything here. Treasure all now! 


Sunday, July 1, 2012

The End, The Beginning.

Day 51 

I wonder why weekends always seems to be more sunny... slope plans flying just above the houses roofs and blooming flowers outside neighbours yard! Yes, i do feel much better now. Not going to whine how much i miss home. This is the summer i signed up for and i'm going to enjoy every bits of it. 

Hope the road trip to Fairbanks or any other main cities will be plan successfully! Don't wanna stuck in Anchorage for months. =) Yet to check out the strip clubs here.... Hahaha! OK, going out for some "window" shopping. Till then. 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just Gotta Hang On A Little Longer

Day 40 

Currently not in a situation where i'm enjoying everything over here. One thing i still cannot adapt here is travelling without a car. For those who doesn't know, i can't bike so to go about Anchorage is not easy and i would go further and say it is hard. =( Unless you plan to spend big bucks on calling a taxi. I'm depressed. I miss my car badly. 

Wonder if i could still manage a second job? The current one already used up most of my time and energy! Thankfully i have supportive parents who ask me to cope whatever i'm possible with. Don't need to stress myself up. I miss having them around me. 

Sigh. Why am i in such a mood now. I'm going to sleep it off. Good night...


Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Birthday

Day 38

I was suppose to update yesterday but unfortunately i was called in to work. *think of the money think of the money* Its been a month living here and at times i miss home. Maybe still don't fancy the cold weather. Bah~ 

As our working hours and shifts are different now, we can't hang out together that much. Had a new housemate, Yx! Think i havent officially introduce her yet. Don't be mislead due to this pic. She is not shy at all. 

Took her to visit downtown a couple weeks ago and glad that she was so excited. From taking the People Mover (that's what they called the bus service here), mall, museum, parks to the weekend market... Oh, i'm loving the Funnel Cake. Extreme yummy! 

Birthday celebration last week was great. Won't announce how old am i now. Just presume i'm 22. Haha! Celebrated at home and at this place called Buffalo Wild Wings. So happened another friend of mine is also getting a year older the next day so we "party" together that night! Love Alaska's beer! So many awesome choices weihh~~ Well, thank you to all for everything. Me  you all. 

Gonna stop right here. Might be going out to see the locals catching salmon fish! 


Saturday, June 2, 2012

An Average Of 8 Degree Celsius

Day 22 

Finally i have internet connection! My house wifi was down for almost a week but thankfully now is serviced and have better speed to accomodate the 8 of us. Haha! I've been busy working 5 days a week trying to earn some money before spending it during my travel period. 

The weather here is seriously NOT summer. Even with few layers of clothes, we will still be freezing cold especially while we are waiting for our bus. =( I'm working now at one of the restaurant lounge at the Ted Stevens International Airport. So far so good, my co-workers are nice and thought me patiently. Just that its kinda tired when i have the job scope of To-Go cashier, bar prep & buser at the same time. Wonder can i still have the strength to work second job. Hmm~ 

I'll just post up some pictures showing the main places i went to visit before i started working. I'm still very much amazed by the beautiful sceneries and landscapes in Alaska! I don't remember the names of those places of interest, so its going to be a jumble-up of Flat-top, Alyeska, portage glacier, parks, downtown & one of the coastal trail. 

Praying for the weather to be warmer and the pretty flowers to bloom! =) Right now i'm just going to drink some hot green tea and wait for the sun to set after midnight. Haha! 
