Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 Places to Visit Before I'm Dead

Came across this quote yesterday while waiting to get my new license in PJ with Tracey. The advert was showing 20 places to go before you die. We find it pretty amazing how they phrase it. Since i'm so bored at home energetic having my holiday, i've decided to list down my very own TEN places of interest which i MUST visit before passing away. *with hope*

(placing based on alphabetical order)

1. Bali, Indonesia 

2. Bora-bora, French Polynesia

3. Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 

4. London, England

5. Niagara Falls, North America 

6. Rome, Italy 

7. Saint Petersburg, Russia

8. Shanghai, China

9. Taj Mahal, India

10. The Grand Canyon, United States

I think so far this is the 10 places i would love to go. Might change when time passes of course. Right now better focus on how to earn more money if not none of the above dream will be possible! Haha!


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